About Us

about us

The Adult Family Home Management System was developed for personal use at a Cedar Highland Care AFH home when we decided to make it public. We only have one focus, making every resident's life just a little better. Aside from work, we like to manage this web application so that we can improve it according to all AFH homes.

First, we have developed it for only resident record-keeping and gradually, as soon requirements increased, we implanted plenty of features to make everything digitally. Now we do not use any paper version for any type of record.

Our web application main focus is:

  • Making provider paperwork easy.
  • Store every piece of information digitally.
  • Managers and staff members can track every progress using their system.
  • Making all types of visits easy.
  • Nurse visits are easy.
  • Better communication between staff and manager.
  • Take resident notes daily.

500+ Providers

7+ Experience

50+ TPN

As a volunteer firefighter, EMT and CNA Cameron Huegel started caring for seniors with his brother Blake. It wasn’t long and it grew into a passion of finding what makes each person thrive. Aside from work Cameron enjoys spending time with his wife and two children. Traveling and enjoying the great outdoors. Serving your community doesn’t stop at your job.

** AFH started as a volunteer.